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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2023 in Posts

  1. "Also and this is key: Because we dont play with infantry that is the same scale, or "in scale" we can print our own infantry AT THE SIZE we want or THE SIZE THAT WORKS. eg. CAV are mostly 10mm or close to it; the infantry is too small. So we printed up 15 to 18mm size infantry, artillery, anti-tank guns, missile batteries, tanks you name it. Ergo the game is WAY WAY BETTER with larger infantry and in fact looks better than 10mm infantry. But it looks better because we can print COLONIAL MARINES from the film Aliens, StarWars troopers and more." I disagree with a lot of ideas in your post. Which isn't a bad thing - its not a I'm right you're wrong kind of thing. I love the combined arms part of CAV. Amongst my CAV friends I'm known to prefer vehicles over CAVs. 🙂 That said, there are a lot of ways to play CAV. You can get in a great game in an hour using CAVs/Vehicles. Once you start to broaden the range and use infantry, transports, aircraft etc... then it becomes more of an old school war game where you need an afternoon or day to set up, play and tear down the game. Both are fun and valid ways to play. Most of my games are of the hour long variety just because life is busy. I'm honestly jealous of two regular players in Tennessee who get to play those big CAV games that use all of the rules. I love it when they post. As for the size of CAV infantry... I think the production pieces are perfect. They are scaled to fit the size of CAVs. When you make 15-18mm infantry you change CAVS from Walking Tanks to giant powered armor. But you do you... 🙂 As for 3d printing... not my favorite subject. I prefer to support the companies by buying their products. Again, its a you do you kind of thing. I don't know you nor your situation. I just want to say that there are different approaches and philosophies to buying, playing, and supporting. Thanks for your post.
    1 point
  2. For this post I will show a winter Camo scheme I have tried out on a few models.
    1 point
  3. A long time ago when the CAV models were pewter. The game rules were also a bit different. This group of CAV’s was intended to be mercenary in nature even then. Never purchased in any specific order or anything, more like the rule of cool, plus what was available. The paint job was started probably 15 years or more ago. The models got shelved for a long time in their half finished state. Until recently when The Dirty Dozen resurfaced to find themselves hired and pressed into service once again. This ramshackle group was pulled together from many races and factions, most of them not believing in the line of politics or governmental boundaries. Now they sell their services to the highest bidder and fight for credits and glory.
    1 point
  4. The Tsuiseki is a great looking model. In the works in progress section, I posted some shots of another flyer I was testing out a painting method on. I really enjoyed painting up that model with airbrush. I also used that model to practice on, so I could do better with flyers in the future. The Tsuiseki models below were painted in a similar way.
    1 point
  5. Still have 2 Crossbows to paint but here is my progress so far on my Templar Free Company - whose name eludes me.
    1 point
  6. Finished my slow grow league force! (Drum Roll....) The 5th Light Mechanized Battalion -aka the LiMons. A Templar free company currently working a 'planetary security' contract in Almirithil space. Their leader is Alejandro "Spryte" Limon a veteran pilot who only recently took command. The previous commander was lost in a 'training accident' during a 'simulated' Rach raid. The LiMons made good their repairs and replacements after their recent 'training exercise' and are excited for another crack at the... simulation.
    1 point
  7. Malvernis Poltergiest test model for a slow grow league that may or may not happen in DFW!
    1 point
  8. Added a second Poltergiest! Two more and a nomad to go for the basis of a slow grow league!
    1 point
  9. I'll start a "blog" for my finished 12th Guards Army, CAV Division 1 "Hammer of Hakir" work! I have a blog here that shows work in progress and talks about "how" I'm doing it! Finished: Attack: Concussion Recon: Cobra Almost Finished: Hammer (Rhino) Havoc (Cataphract) Growler 2x Foxfire (Lynx) Gauntlet II (Lion II) Hound (3D Print) WiP Hammer Concussion CAV Cobra CAV
    1 point
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