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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2022 in all areas

  1. 117th Bastion Regiment In 2020, I was really struggling with my desire/ability to paint. I just couldn't master any motivation. I'm not the kind of person who paints just to paint. I need a goal - like getting my force ready for an upcoming game. I wasn't playing much of anything during the pandemic and I went months without even going into my painting room. I reached out to my friend Ross Hines and asked him to give me an assignment, to pick a faction for me to paint. My thought was I'd take his 'homework' and do some serious painting over that weekend. Did I mention that Ross is an art teacher...? 🙂 He's also STUPID talented when it comes to art, designing CAV lists, and kicking my a** on the tabletop battlefield. He assigned me to paint some Malvernis models. I'd watched some tutorials from an awesome Twitch streamer - Next Level Painting about how to paint star fields. And here we are... Painting these models got me out of my doldrums and back into painting as something I enjoy. I need to make an actual playable force out of these models. I must own at least a dozen more Banshees. That's probably not enough. 🙂 CavBoss liked my paint scheme enough he assigned it to the 117th Bastion Regiment - a fine compliment indeed.
    2 points
  2. The models look fantastic! Great job. I totally understand the no motivation, can be difficult to get back into anything after having set it aside for any length of time. Keep up the good work.
    2 points
  3. 5th Knights Assault Regiment :: 11th Tactical Air Wing In 2019, Todd Farnholtz aka Mastergunz announced that he was going to organize and run a non-traditional tournament based on the WarMaster tournament described in the CAV:SO rulebook. I can't recall the exact rules but it was something like 6 models max, aircraft and upgrades allowed. I thought about this list a lot during that summer and came up with the idea of playing an all aircraft list. An all aircraft list had several advantages as it was immediately immune to all Indirect Fire weapons (Rockets) and anything with the SA: Strike (MACs). This cut out a sizeable chunk of the weapons you might see on the battlefield. Additionally, the Aircraft were relatively cheap and I was able to afford upgrades for my entire Air Wing. I chose external armor and picked the type that worked against non-energy weapons. This made me more vulnerable to energy weapons but I guessed that the trade off was worth the risk. I was also able to afford upgraded pilots for all of my models. In practice, I found that the aircraft had an 8-12 inch sweet spot where they out-ranged most of the weapons they were vulnerable to. I practiced the list several times that summer against my play test partner and bounced the idea off of my friend Ross Hines - who couldn't play in the WarMaster tournament. Otherwise, I kept the list very secret as surprise was perhaps my biggest advantage. I won the WarMaster tournament... As for the unit, CavBoss already had the 5th Knights Assault Regiment and he made my unit part of it as the 11th Tactical Air Wing. All of the details on the models are hand painted by me and dedicated to my wife. She loves Dragons and her birthday is 5/11.
    1 point
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