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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2022 in all areas

  1. 5th Knights Assault Regiment :: 11th Tactical Air Wing In 2019, Todd Farnholtz aka Mastergunz announced that he was going to organize and run a non-traditional tournament based on the WarMaster tournament described in the CAV:SO rulebook. I can't recall the exact rules but it was something like 6 models max, aircraft and upgrades allowed. I thought about this list a lot during that summer and came up with the idea of playing an all aircraft list. An all aircraft list had several advantages as it was immediately immune to all Indirect Fire weapons (Rockets) and anything with the SA: Strike (MACs). This cut out a sizeable chunk of the weapons you might see on the battlefield. Additionally, the Aircraft were relatively cheap and I was able to afford upgrades for my entire Air Wing. I chose external armor and picked the type that worked against non-energy weapons. This made me more vulnerable to energy weapons but I guessed that the trade off was worth the risk. I was also able to afford upgraded pilots for all of my models. In practice, I found that the aircraft had an 8-12 inch sweet spot where they out-ranged most of the weapons they were vulnerable to. I practiced the list several times that summer against my play test partner and bounced the idea off of my friend Ross Hines - who couldn't play in the WarMaster tournament. Otherwise, I kept the list very secret as surprise was perhaps my biggest advantage. I won the WarMaster tournament... As for the unit, CavBoss already had the 5th Knights Assault Regiment and he made my unit part of it as the 11th Tactical Air Wing. All of the details on the models are hand painted by me and dedicated to my wife. She loves Dragons and her birthday is 5/11.
    2 points
  2. Hey Pilots. Johnny (AKA Eringzo) here. I'm new to the game and learning as much as I can. Not only am I new to the CAV, but I am also new to war gaming. I've got a lot to wrap my head around. I'm in Huntsville, TX and hoping to get some traction with some other players locally to get a weekly game going and potentially a slow grow league. After watching some games at CAVCon 2022, I picked up the book along with some mechs. I also purchased some of the 2018 CAVC SO Kickstarter mechs from an individual. I have a couple of each of the following. (In addition to about 10 pounds of scenery from the same purchase. .LOL) Centurion (72285) Templar Crusader (72286) Templar Sovereign (72287) Templar Spartan (72288) Templar Gladiator II (72299) Templar Warhawk (72306) Templar Duelist (72295) Templar Revenant (72289) Malvernis Butcher (72290) Malvernis Haunt (72291) Malvernis Shadow (72292) Malvernis Obake (72305) Malvernis Ghost (72293) Malvernis Pillager (72307) Malvernis Shade (72297) Malvernis Obviously, there is plenty here to build some Assault and Fire Support Squads. Maybe even a Recon Squad. After reading as much as I can, I know I am still missing some fundamentals on squad building. I'd like to be able to play some games casual enough to interest new players but build my skill set and squads enough to do a bit of tourny play. Maybe 2 squads. I can see that there is a lot more the this than just the Mechs. In order to build some a Primary and Secondary Squad that would help me grow as a player, what would you recommend I be able to bring to the table as far as Infantry and Mechanized Infantry. What about Flight or Mortar? Some examples of some Squads of any of the races would be very helpful. I don't mind spending a few coins on what I need but don't want to just keep guessing when I can use this forum to get help and fill in some of my knowledge gaps. I know that the new core rules are imminent, but I think what has worked for members here in the past will continue to be a viable selection. Sincere thanks in advance for any guidance offered. Johnny
    1 point
  3. N Scale is the closest you will get (its 12mm as compared to the games 10mm scale). We use a 1/180th for our scale that works out to one-inch equaling 15feet. Doorways should be about 15mm/9/16ths inch. I use mainly 2" tall trees. Also anything scaled for printing 3d for BT run at 150-160 percent and you should be fine.
    1 point
  4. My thoughts on this list vary on the way you plan to use it. As a slow grow, pick up game list this looks like a lot of fun. - The Centurions and the Crusader pack an enormous punch in their PBGs. Your attack squad's two sources of EST mean that your enemy really has to focus their fire to remove your ability to share Target Locks. Which is really good because you want those Centurions moving and shooting not 'Target Locking'. - Your Recon squad has a lot of ECM which means you can jam Target Locks and run Counter-ECM at the same time - very useful. I don't have a lot of experience with infantry in CAV but they can certainly move onto objectives and be hard to shift off. They are very good at CC and will make most CAVs think twice before getting into charge range of them. As an 'event' list, by which I think you mean tournament, the list isn't legal as infantry aren't allowed currently. - Looking at just the CAV part of it... that attack squad will murder anything it can bring those PBGs to bear on. However, Centurions are slow and their main weapons are short ranged. This means you're exposed to a lot of fire you can't really return very effectively the first 2 turns, possibly 3 turns. You might not get into PBG range without taking some serious damage. - The list construction rules for CAV tournaments limit the kind of lists you can run - assuming you're playing to win. The hard limit of 12 models max at 4500 points means your average model cost is 375 points. This list has 1253 points left over after paying for that attack squad. That leaves 156 points as the average cost for your next 8 models. So, you're looking at your attack squad and something like 8 Sabres. - That is a playable list but I think it'll get taken apart by something with a better 'Gun Density'. I think for 4500 points you can make a list that brings more guns to the table that can engage the enemy at longer ranges. This hypothetical enemy force will put out more damage than yours in the first and second turn for sure - possibly the third turn too depending on terrain, tactics, and dice. You'll need to play catch up in the third turn and beyond. It can work, if you get through the first three turns mostly unscathed you will BLOW STUFF UP! 🙂 Just my 2 cents. I'm excited to hear how it works for you guys, please share!
    1 point
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